Things You Can Do To Prepare For A Better 2nd Quarter

May 07, 2013

Taking care of business means - taking care of your business. So as the 2nd Quarter (April - June) heads steadily towards us, let see what we can do to help make it a better quarter:

  • EMAIL 
Clean out your email. Stop being a hoarder and start fresh. Unless the email is asking you for your time or donation for a time sensitive event - delete it.
Remember Facebook is an app, not a life source. Make FB a tool not a time zapping energy hogging app. Choose whose feed you want to be updated about. You cant possibly want to know what all 1000+ people are doing every second. And last but not least, if you cant remember where you met them or what there first name is from their picture, they are probably not a true friend. 

  • LinkedIn
If your FB page was bad, your LinkedIn may be in trouble too. Take a moment to update your profile, edit any mistakes or rephrase a description. Make sure the groups you're a part of are still a part of your vision.  Facebook = Person //  LinkedIn = Business
Don't have a LinkedIn? You'll be fine.


Nothing says I'm confused and conflicted like a messy areas. Now, some jobs require lots of paper - I know, I have one, but at some part of the day or at least the week, you must go through them; sort, file, destroy.


How many times does failure happen because there wasn't a direct plan of action?Yet people still fail to plan, or have a lack of serious planning to make a difference. Any client that comes for business consultation, leaves with a few mantras - and this is one. 

You can not know if you are ahead or behind if you dont have a measuring stick. Take the time needed to make a plan for your business & life. Be PROactive not REactive.

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